Our greatest enemy today is neither satan nor sin, because Jesus defeated both at the cross, Power is not the problem, either. We have power. That is why God did not send power to fix our problem. Our greatest enemy today is ignorance. What we don’t know is killing us; or at least depriving us of a full and abundant life. The antidote for ignorance is knowledge, so God sent us His Word—His living Word in the person of His Son. Christ came to remove our ignorance about God and His Kingdom and to teach us of our heritage and kinship as children of the Father.
As long as we live in satan’s darkness, we will never know that we are prisoners in our own territory, slaves of an illegal despot. We will never know we are the rightful rulers of this planet or that the devil is already a defeated enemy. Because we don’t know any better, because we don’t realize the power we have, we allow satan to run our lives, ravaging our bodies with sickness, draining our finances, destroying our marriages, messing up our kids with drugs and alcohol, and generally wreaking havoc.
Jesus is the light of the world. Light means knowledge. He came to show us who we really are and to expose the enemy’s false kingdom. To put it another way, Jesus came to introduce us to ourselves and to call us to become the people God always knew we could be. He came to call us home.
Daniel 7:18 says that "the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever," A lot of believers are confused about the word saint. Some have been taught that saints are super-spiritual believers who lived high above the plane of everyone else and were awarded this exalted title after their deaths, In truth, every believer is a saint. When the Bible uses the word saint, it refers to "every child of God, every person who has entered the Kingdom through faith and trust in Christ as Savior and Lord." If you are a believer, you are a saint, and if you are a saint, you are an heir to the Kingdom of God.
The word saint comes from the same root as the word sanctified. To be sanctified means "to be set apart for a specific use; to be reserved for a special purpose." Think about your or your parents’ wedding china. Is it set out for use on a common daily basis? Probably not. Fine china is usually reserved for very special occasions, such as major holidays when extended family members gather or when particularly honored guests are present. In this sense, the china is "sanctified" for use only on those occasions.
In the same way, we as saints are sanctified and set apart for God’s special purpose. Collectively, we are the Church, the ecciesia in Greek, which also means the "called-out ones?’ We are the ones who will receive the Kingdom, We are the ones who will see our power, authority, and dominion restored, The Kingdom is not reserved for us alone, but for many, many others as well who are still outside and need to be brought in, That is why when Christ saved us and brought us into His Kingdom, He made us ambassadors so that we could go out and bring others in.